SilverBirch Productions 680 Queens Quay West, Suite 600 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 2Y9 (416) 260-6688.
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Robert Zwicker - Zwigg Fusion II
After completing the original Zwigg Fusion album in 2006 I felt there was more to explore. Loving what comes from a freestyle session, Steve and I decided to approach this record differently from the first. The majority of these tunes were created in the studio with Steve and I experimenting with live off the floor bed tracks. After the basic bed tracks we started adding the other instruments and layering in additional melodies. I want to thank the players, Gordon Aeichele on sax, Doriann Forrester on flute, and Karen Bell on vocals for their intuition and great performances. A special thanks to Steve Sherman for making this a fun project!
Track Listing: 01. New Shoes
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